
Miss Arrow, TMB’s Aiming @ Eulenberg will be going to our close friends in Indiana. ❤
So excited to watch her grow.

The Speedy Litter

Born a week ago on May 20th, CJ and Eureka’s puppies were our speediest litter yet. This litter was composed of eight puppies—four girls (1 Black-Tri, 1 Blue Merle, 2 Red Tri) and four boys (2 Black Tri, 1 Blue Merle, and out little bit, “Stewie” Red Merle). Our little Stewie (TMB’s Look What I Can Do) is still working on catching up to the others. His birthweight was only 6 oz and he lost an ounce of weight his first day. But with some extra special care he is very slowly gaining weight and growing. The two black-Tri boys and one of our girls are still looking for a new home.